# -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # KCatch.pm - Catch warn and die to avoid "Internal Server Error" # Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Kawasaki Yuusuke # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # =head1 NAME KCatch.pm - Catch warn and die to avoid "Internal Server Error" =head1 SYNOPSIS use KCatch; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; warn; die; =head1 DESCRIPTION 1ST STEP) Upload KCatch.pm to your script's directory or to @INC. 2ND STEP) Insert just a line "use KCatch;" at top of your script. 3RD STEP) This module could not work without the bug you made! :-) =head1 OPTIONS use KCatch qw( [OPTIONS] ); KCatch.pm would automatically detect whether running under CGI or not, when no options given. Available options are following: use KCatch qw( plain ); # Original style use KCatch qw( mode=plain ); # New style Force to make output as plain text for command-line use. use KCatch qw( html ); # Original style use KCatch qw( mode=html ); # New style Force to make output as HTML for CGI. use KCatch qw( source ); Display also warned or died Perl source code for debugging. (Note: The options could make influence on some security problems to display your code for the users.) use KCatch qw( stderr ); Output additional information of CGI to STDERR. Usually, it would be saved to "/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log". use KCatch qw( execdata );__DATA__ Execute code after token "__DATA__" in the file which calls KCatch. You should put the token "__DATA__" just next to call KCatch. This option is VERY STRONG to force to catch almost the all errors, and becomes the Savior in case your-annoying-bugs never disappears! use KCatch qw( jcode=sjis ); use KCatch qw( jcode=euc ); use KCatch qw( jcode=jis ); Convert the charactor-code-set of the error infomations for Japanese. This option make work when "jcode.pl" is already required. Or Jcode=* option is also available with "Jcode.pm". =head1 VERSIONS 1999/11/05 v1.02 First Release 1999/11/23 v1.03 Recognize between under "use" and "require" 2000/04/25 v1.04 Bug fix: undefined $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} 2000/05/03 v1.05 Add options "use KCatch qw( source );", etc. 2000/05/05 v1.06 Bug fix: undefined $ENV{REQUEST_URI} 2000/08/04 v1.07 Output additional information to STDERR 2000/10/27 v1.08 No use of uninitialized values 2000/12/09 v1.10 the Savior option qw( execdata ) avaliable! output templete separated, jcode=* supported 2000/12/16 v1.11 Bug fix: get_caller() with execdata option 2002/06/29 v1.12 Bug fix: enable html_filter() at html mode. 2002/07/01 v1.13 Bug fix: Use of uninitialized value =head1 SITES http://www.kawa.net/works/perl/catch/news.html http://www.harukaze.net/~mishima/perl/cgi-debug-env/deb-tech.html http://www.we-box.com/800weblec/ise.html =head1 THANKS Yukitoshi Ooie =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 1999-2002 Kawasaki Yusuke =cut # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # package KCatch; use strict; require 5.005; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $argv = {}; # option arguments of "use" my $messbuf = []; # error messages buffer my $imported; # cache who use KCatch.pm my $in_execdata; # force to catch "warn" in "eval" $main::SIG{__WARN__} = \&catch_warn; # catch the signal from warn() $main::SIG{__DIE__} = \&catch_die; # catch the signal from die() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub import { my $package = shift; foreach my $elem ( @_ ) { my( $key, $value ) = split( /=/, $elem, 2 ); $value = ! undef unless defined $value; $argv->{$key} = $value; } $imported = [ caller() ]; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub catch_warn { my $mess = shift; # print " $mess"; my $called = &get_caller( 1 ); push( @$messbuf, [ "warn", $mess, @$called ] ) if $called; CORE::warn( $mess ); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub catch_die { my $mess = shift; # print " $mess"; my $called = &get_caller(); push( @$messbuf, [ "die", $mess, @$called ] ) if $called; CORE::die( $mess ); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # END { if ( $argv->{execdata} ) { # execute __DATA__ area under eval &exec_data_area(); } return if ( $#$messbuf < 0 ); # exit if no errors if ( $argv->{stderr} ) { &disp_stderr(); # additional information } &make_output(); # display buffer } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub env { $ENV{$_[0]} if exists $ENV{$_[0]}; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # execute source after __DATA__ token # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub exec_data_area { my $package = $imported->[0]; if ( $package ne "main" ) { my $mess = "the option 'execdata' is not avaliable ". "outside of main package, sorry.\n"; push( @$messbuf, [ "error", $mess, @$imported ] ); return; } my $handle; { no strict "refs"; my $hndstr = "${package}::DATA"; # $handle = \*$hndstr; # string to handle } my $evalsrc = [ <$handle> ]; # read __DATA__ source my $string = join( "", @$evalsrc ); # join to one string $in_execdata ++; { package main; eval $string; # execute code } $in_execdata --; &died_in_data_area( $@ ) if $@; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub died_in_data_area { # to catch compile error and so on my $estr = shift; # do nothing already died return if ( $#$messbuf > -1 && $messbuf->[$#$messbuf]->[0] eq "die" ); # die "some string." => can detect the line where error occured. # die "some string.\n" => cannot detect the line where... $estr =~ s/(,)? at \(eval \d+\) line (\d+)(,? line (\d+)(\.)?)?/$5||$1/e; my $line = $2; my $called = [ @$imported ]; $called->[2] += $line; push( @$messbuf, [ "die", $estr, @$called ] ) } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Output additional information to STDERR # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub disp_stderr { my $name = ( $0 =~ m#([^/]+)$# )[0]; my $qlength = (( &env("REQUEST_METHOD") eq "POST" ) ? &env("CONTENT_LENGTH") : length( &env("QUERY_STRING") )) || 0; my $datetime = &get_datetime(); my $url = &env("REQUEST_URI"); $url =~ s/\?.*$//; printf STDERR "(Catch) %s %s [%05d] %s %s (%s) \"%s\"\n", map { $_ ne "" ? $_ : "-" } # I don't like blanks. $datetime, $name, $$, &env("REMOTE_ADDR"), $url, $qlength, &env("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub get_datetime { my( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year ) = localtime(); my $datetime = sprintf( "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $day, $hour, $min, $sec ); $datetime; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # make output # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub make_output { my $mode = &select_output_mode(); my $errorinfo = &conv_disp(); if ( $mode eq "html" ) { $errorinfo = &html_filter( $errorinfo ); } my $var = { %ENV }; $var->{datetime} = localtime(); $var->{errorinfo} = $errorinfo; $var->{filename} = ( $0 =~ m#([^/]+)$# )[0]; $var->{version} = " (Version $main::VERSION)" if defined $main::VERSION; $var->{perlver} = $]; $var->{osname} = $^O; my $output; if ( $mode eq "html" ) { $output = &templete_for_html(); } else { $output = &templete_for_plain(); } $output =~ s/\{(\w+)\}/((defined $var->{$1})?$var->{$1}:"")/eg; print $output; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # select output mode # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub select_output_mode { return $argv->{mode} if defined $argv->{mode}; my $mode = "plain"; # Plain text as default if ( $argv->{html} ) { $mode = "html"; # Force HTML } elsif ( $argv->{plain} ) { $mode = "plain"; # Force plain text } elsif ( &env("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") =~ /cgi/i ){ $mode = "html"; # Auto detect CGI } $mode; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub html_filter { my $str = shift; $str =~ s#^>#\255#mg; # included messaege (source code) $str =~ s#&#&#g; $str =~ s#<#<#g; $str =~ s#>#>#g; $str =~ s:^\255(.*)$ :>\t$1:mgx; $str =~ s#$#
#mg; $str; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Format warn/die message into text for output # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub conv_disp { my $option = shift; my $oarray = []; foreach my $iarray ( @$messbuf ){ my( $type, $mess, $pack, $file, $line, $sub, $src ) = @$iarray; $src ||= ""; # No-use of uninitialized value $file =~ s#^.*[/\\]##; # En-short the filename chomp $mess; my $eline = sprintf( "[%s:%s:%s] %s\n", $file, ($line||"?"), $type, $mess ); push( @$oarray, $eline ); if ( $argv->{source} ) { if ( $src eq "" and $line > 0 ) { $src = &read_source_line( $file, $line ); } push( @$oarray, "> $src" ) if ( $src ne "" ); } } if( $argv->{jcode} and defined $jcode::version ) { 1 if defined $jcode::version; # (not typo) foreach my $str ( @$oarray ) { &jcode::convert( \$str, $argv->{jcode} ); } } elsif( $argv->{Jcode} and defined $Jcode::VERSION ) { 1 if defined $Jcode::VERSION; # (not typo) foreach my $str ( @$oarray ) { &Jcode::convert( \$str, $argv->{Jcode} ); } } my $ostr = join( "\n", @$oarray ); $ostr =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/sg; $ostr =~ s/\n+$//sg; $ostr; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # read source file # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub read_source_line { my $file = shift; my $lnum = shift; return unless ( -r $file ); open ( TEMP, $file ) or return; my $c = 1; my $oline; while ( $oline = ){ last if ( $lnum == $c++ ); } close( TEMP ); $oline; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # false when in eval, or return caller (except for Carp.pm) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub get_caller { my $warnflg = shift; my $c = 1; my $result; while( 1 ){ my( $pack, $file, $line, $sub, $hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require ) = caller( $c ++ ) or last; # print "[f=$file] [l=$line] [s=$sub] [e=",($evaltext ne ""), # "] [i=$in_execdata] [w=$warnflg] [r=$result]\n"; if ( $is_require ) { # between require or use last; } elsif ( $sub eq "(eval)" ) { # eval if ( $in_execdata && $result && $file eq "KCatch.pm" ) { # under "execdata" option my $oldline = $result->[2] || 1; if ( $warnflg ) { # warn if ( $result->[1] =~ /^\(eval/ ){ # other source $result->[1] = $imported->[1]; $result->[2] += $imported->[2]; $result->[4] = (split( /\n/, $evaltext ))[$oldline-1]; } } else { # die if ( $result->[1] =~ /^\(eval/ ){ # other source return; } } } else { return; # don't catch in eval } last; } elsif ( $pack eq "Carp" ){ $c ++; # skip to previous caller } else { $result ||= [ $pack, $file, $line, $sub ]; } } $result; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Output templete for plain text. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub templete_for_plain {' Catch: {datetime} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {errorinfo} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {filename}{version} with Perl {perlver} for {osname} ';} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Output templete for HTML (HTTP+HTML header magic) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub templete_for_html {'Catch: {datetime}
{filename} {version} with Perl {perlver} for {osname} ';} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # ;1; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #